Booking Reference (PNR) : {{pnr}}

Your flight has been impacted.


We regret to inform you that your flight(s) has been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances. You can contact our Customer Service Centre for assistance.

We regret to inform you that your flight(s) has been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances. You can either accept the proposed changes to your booking with the new flight option offered below or contact our Customer Service Centre for assistance.

We regret to inform you that your flight(s) has been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances. You can choose to

a. cancel your complete journey for all passengers and request full refund.

b. place a request for an alternate flight with us. 

We regret to inform you that your flight(s) has been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances. You can choose to

a. reschedule your booking with the new flight option offered below.

b. cancel your complete journey for all passengers and request full refund.

c. place a request for an alternate flight with us. 


  • {{key+1}}. {{firstName(pax.firstName)}} {{pax.lastName}}
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